While the COVID-era has put employers to continuously grapple with some ever-changing safety regulations, compared to prior years, employers will be faced with fewer new laws and regulations during the start of 2021.
Some of the unique laws which will be passed and enacted this 2021 are:
- Portland, Oregon’s restriction on the use of facial recognition technology
- Montgomery County, Maryland’s guarantee of 30-hour minimum workweeks for employees engaged in janitorial services.
Some states will be enacting legislations to better distinguish independent contractors from employees, while others are implementing laws to restrict or prohibit the conditions under which a criminal record can be considered in employment decisions. Here’s a list of some of the new state employment laws you should be guided in acquiring updated Labor Law posters.
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Effective Date
Contingent Workforce – Independent Contractors
Extends for one year (until January 1, 2022) the exception from the ABC test for newspaper carriers.
COVID-19 Notification
Allows the state to track COVID-19 cases in the workplace more closely. Expands Cal/OSHA’s authority to issue Stop Work Orders for workplaces that pose a risk of an “imminent hazard” relating to COVID-19. Requires notice in the event of a COVID-19 exposure in the workplace, including providing written notice to “all employees” who were at the worksite within the infectious period who may have been exposed to the virus.
Corporate Boards – Diversity
Requires that a publicly traded corporation with a principal executive office in California appoint members of underrepresented communities to the Board of Directors.
Grants another one-year extension (until January 1, 2022) of the exclusion of certain Human Resources data from coverage under the California Consumer Privacy Act.
Security Guards – Rest Breaks
Allows employers to require that security guards covered by collective bargaining agreements, and paid at least one dollar more than minimum wage, remain on premises and on call during rest breaks.
Unemployment – Work Sharing
Automates parts of California’s work sharing program.
Prohibits adverse action against employees who have filed any proceeding under the Consumer Financial Protection law.
Statute of Limitations for Wage/Hour Discharge – Discrimination Complaints
Lengthens from six months to one year the statute of limitations for bringing a claim of discriminatory discharge in violation of any law under the jurisdiction of the Labor Commissioner; authorizes attorney’s fees for successful plaintiffs.
Human Resources – Mandated Child Abuse Reporting
Designates Human Resources professionals who work for businesses that employ minors, and employ five or more employees, as mandated child abuse reporters. Such persons must be given mandated reporting training, and a written statement describing their obligations.
Protected Time Off – Kin Care
Provides that the designation of sick leave taken for kin care shall be made at the sole discretion of the employee.
Discrimination and Harassment
Clarifies when a no-rehire provision in a settlement agreement regarding harassment, sexual assault, or criminal conduct is permitted; requires certain employer documentation.
Public Works
Lowers threshold for qualifying as a public works project for purposes of the minimum wage.
Family Temporary Disability Insurance
Expands Family Temporary Disability Insurance (FTDI) program to include absences due to military service of family member.
Petroleum Facility Safety-Sensitive Employees– Rest Breaks
Allows employer to require that employees in safety-sensitive positions at petroleum facilities covered by collective bargaining agreements, and paid at least 30% more than the state minimum wage, remain on premises and on call during rest breaks.
1/1/2021 – 1/1/2026
Acute Care Hospital –PPE Supplies
Requires acute care hospitals to supply PPE to employees who provide direct patient care, and ensure that employees use PPE. Beginning April 1, 2021, acute care hospitals must maintain a three-month supply of PPE, and provide an inventory of PPE to the Division of Occupational Safety and Health upon request.
1/1/2021 and 4/1/2021
Health Care Worker Training
Requires acute care hospitals to reimburse certain training expenses of employees and job applicants.
Protected Time Off – Crime Victims
Expands leave for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking to include leave for the victim of any crime that caused physical injury or mental injury with a threat of physical injury.
Report of Wage and Hour Violations
Requires that corporations register with the state information regarding violations of the wage orders or Labor Code.
Employment Taxes
Permits any notice or document required to terminate, modify, or release an earnings withholding order for taxes to be served by electronic transmission.
Pay Data Reporting
Requires businesses to report to DFEH pay data for various categories of employees.
CFRA Expansion
Expands California Family Rights Act (CFRA) coverage to employers of five or more employees. Expands categories of family members covered by CFRA leaves.
Representation of Financially Disabled Persons in Arbitration
Labor Commissioner will represent financially disabled persons when wage claims are referred to arbitration.
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Effective Date
Unemployment Compensation & Eligibility
Provides that employees forced to leave work for domestic violence-related safety reasons, may still be eligible for unemployment benefits; expands definitions of family members; permits severance pay to be deducted from unemployment compensation.
Pay Equity & Discrimination
Prohibits wage discrimination based on sex and gender identity; prohibits employers from seeking an applicant’s salary history and from barring employees from disclosing or discussing their wages. Mandates transparency in wages and advancement and provides damages for non-compliance.
Paid Leave
This law allows employees to accrue at least one hour of paid sick and safe time leave for every 30 hours they work, up to a maximum of 48 hours per year. *The law will apply to employers with 16 or more employees starting January 1, 2021, and then apply to all employers on January 1, 2022.
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Effective Date
Paid Leave
This law establishing a Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program was enacted in 2019. Leaves covered by the program do not begin until January 2022. Employers must, however, begin payroll deductions to fund the program starting January 2021.
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Effective Date
Criminal Background Checks
Allows rehabilitated individuals to petition the court to restrict and seal certain criminal records, and prohibits the use of an employee’s criminal history information in an action against an employer for the employee’s actions.
Wage & Hour – Garnishments
Limits the amount of wages that can be garnished for student loan repayment to 15% of garnishee’s weekly disposable earnings.
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Effective Date
Protected Time Off – Domestic Violence
Makes changes to documents that an employer may request to verify that an employee is a victim of domestic or sexual violence.
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Contingent Workforce – Independent Contractors
Establishes the circumstances under which certain independent contractors are not considered employees for purposes of various laws.
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Employee Definitions
Provides the definitions of “employee” and excludes independent contractors from definition of “employment” for the purpose of unemployment benefits.
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Effective Date
Protected Time Off – PTO General
Entitles employees to accrue one hour of paid leave for every 40 hours worked, up to 40 hours per year, where the employer has more than 10 employees.
Protected Time Off – PTO Rules
Creates procedures for accruing paid leave, providing notice of the need to use leave, scheduling use of leave, and penalizing denial of paid leave.
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Effective Date
Wage & Hour – Scheduling
Requires certain employers to provide a minimum work week of at least 30 hours for each employee working as a janitor, building cleaner, security officer, concierge, doorperson, handyperson, or building superintendent and performing janitorial services.
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Effective Date
Paid Leave
Beginning on January 1, 2021, all private Massachusetts employers must provide covered individuals with paid family and medical leave, funded through a payroll tax.
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Effective Date
Contingent Workforce – Independent Contractors
Creates the Freelance Worker Protection Ordinance; requires contracts for service to be set forth in writing and provides an enforcement mechanism for failure to pay a worker as agreed upon in the contract.
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Criminal Background Checks
Prohibits employers from basing hiring or promotion decisions on an applicant’s criminal history, unless the employer can demonstrate its relevance to the employment-related decision.
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Benefits – Health Insurance
Establishes requirements for obtaining a certificate of authority for self-funded multiple employer welfare arrangements.
Safety Training
Expands mandatory safety training to include employees performing work at sites primarily used for trade shows, conventions and related activities.
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Business Restructuring
Expands employers’ advance notice and severance pay obligations under the Millville Dallas Airmotive Plant Job Loss Notification Act (New Jersey mini-WARN). *Note that the effective date of this law has been extended several times due to the pandemic. It is possible that the current effective date will once again be extended.
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Wage Payment – Pay Stubs
Enables employees who have chosen direct deposit to receive electronic confirmation of direct deposit in lieu of paper pay stubs.
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Privacy – Surveillance
Prohibits private entities from using facial recognition technology in places of public accommodation.
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HB 1407 (SB 744)
Contingent Workforce: Independent Contractors
Creates a presumption that a worker is an employee, unless either party proves independent contractor status under federal IRS guidelines. Prohibits worker misclassification, providing civil penalties and prohibiting contract awards from public bodies and covered individuals for violations.
Cell Phones/ Texting
Prohibits holding a handheld personal communications device while driving a motor vehicle, subject to several exceptions, including for emergency situations and personnel employed by certain emergency services.
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Effective Date
Criminal Background Checks
Prohibits denying employment to a care provider or licensing to an early childhood educator where a background check reveals that the individual has a finding of child abuse or neglect in their record, but has since obtained a certificate of parental improvement, as defined in the new chapter.
Employment Taxes
Imposes a local payroll tax on employers doing business within the City of Seattle.
While this list does not include laws regarding minimum wage and overtime requirements, some states are expected to impose relevant changes concerning them in the future. As an employer, you should always remember to at least know the basics and remember to put up compliant posters to avoid corresponding penalties.