Virginia July 2021 Labor Law Update: Reasonable Accommodations for Disability

Posted by on 8/4/2021 to Virginia
Beginning July 1, 2021, employers in the state of Virginia with more than five employees for a 20-week period in the current or preceding year must provide reasonable accommodations for otherwise qualified persons with disabilities if necessary to assist such person in performing a particular job.

Virginia Approves State Minimum Wage effective May 1, 2021

Posted by on 4/15/2021 to Virginia
Virginia Approves State Minimum Wage effective May 1, 2021
From May 1, 2021, until January 1, 2022, every employer shall pay, to each of its employees, wages at a rate not less than the greater of (i) $9.50 per hour, or (ii) the federal minimum wage. Upon the release of official posting requirements, they will be included in our state and federal workplace posters.

List of amendments to the Virginia Human Rights Act (VHRA)

Posted by on 10/17/2020 to Virginia

Through the 2020 “Virginia Values Act,” employees are given expanded protections relating to discrimination and accommodation. The law now covers more employers and more protected classes, and it expands the remedies available to employees who sue. 

The amendments also provide many more employees a path to bring discrimination claims in Virginia state court (instead of federal court), where it is much more difficult for an employer to defeat a discrimination claim without going to trial.

Virginia employers, prohibited to enforce non-compete agreements on low-wage employees

Posted by on 9/23/2020 to Virginia

If you are an employee earning less than $1,137 per week or an average of $59,124 per year, then you should be aware by now about the recent update on the prohibition for Virginia employers to enforce a covenant not to compete with low-wage employees.